Breaking News

Dyn, an internet traffic company, was hit with a distributed denial of service attack today

The company has been hit more than once by the coordinated attack and the Department of Homeland Security is now looking into the situation. This is something that’s hard for investors to prepare for, it being somewhat of a “black swan” event, so to say.

Even temporary hits can really screw things up, although thankfully in this case it seems temporary. Looking beyond sales and profits, it’s not hard to think about the devastation a company like Amazon would suffer should its service be rendered useless for several days or more.

It goes to show how vulnerable we really could be. The internet is a major power in our lives. It controls not just the things we buy or content we consume, but it plays a big role in communications, logistics and health care.

Without it, we really would be dealt a paralyzing blow – and not just economically.

