Enterprise Risk Management in Finance is a guide to measuring and managing Enterprise-wide risks in financial institutions. It provides a comprehensive, technical guide to ERM for financial institutions.
Split into three parts, it first puts ERM in the context of financial institutions. It examines the financial risks already inherent in banking, and then insurance operations, and how these need to be accounted for at a floor and enterprise level. The book provides modeling techniques to assist in the process, it is a kind of operations research guide on such varied subjects as catastrophe bond risk modeling, crude oil volatility forecasting, bank efficiency and risk evaluation, and stock volatility evaluation. The analyses are somewhat terse, assuming advanced knowledge of the topics. Finally, the book provides real life cases of successful and not so successful ERM in financial institutions.
Book recommended by Tristan Van Iersel
Book Title: Enterprise Risk Management in Finance
Authors: David L. Olson & Desheng Dash Wu
Edition: 2015
Edition Number: 1
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK
eBook ISBN: 978-1-137-46629-7
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-137-46628-0
Number of Pages: 256
You can find it on Amazon