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Trump transition team updates on tech summit

Noting discussion took place on the following topics – job creation for U.S. workers, removal of barriers preventing U.S. companies from doing business in other countries, U.S.-China trade dynamic and market access, tax cuts and repatriation of U.S. profits held overseas, bettering of physical and digital infrastructure, intellectual property rights protection, cybersecurity improvements, updates to government software systems, technology in schools, a need for greater vocational education opportunities, bureaucracy reduction and increased accountability in the government procurement process.

Private sector players in attendance included Tim Cook (NASDAQ:AAPL), Jeff Bezos (NASDAQ:AMZN), Elon Musk (NASDAQ:TSLA), Satya Nadella (NASDAQ:MSFT), Larry Page and Eric Schmidt (GOOG, GOOGL), Sheryl Sandberg (NASDAQ:FB), Ginni Rometty (NYSE:IBM), Brian Krzanich (NASDAQ:INTC), Safra Catz (NASDAQ:ORCL), Chuck Robbins (NASDAQ:CSCO), Alex Karp (Private:PALAN) and others.

Suggestion for reconvening of similar meetings, prospectively on a quarterly basis, was furthermore offered.
